The problem description:
Performing repair work on the subsided section of the second MKAD (city ring road) as quickly as possible and without complete blocking the transport traffic.
Initial data:
On one of the sections of the 2nd Minsk ring road there was a defect in the form of subsidence of the roadway with a total linear length of 35 m, which violated the high-speed mode of a transport traffic on the highway. Preliminary survey of this section showed that under the construction of the road surface due to uneven deformations there was a loosening of the soil.
In order to restore operational performance on the damaged section of the ring road by strengthening the ground under the roadslab and re-leveling the surface of the subsided concrete slabs with a total area of approximately 350 m2, and as quickly as possible.
Applied technology:
To solve appeared problems Floor Lifting method was used according to GeoResin technology involving the injection into the ground through the drilled in slabs of small diameter holes with a special polymer composition which due to its expansion force creates lifting power with re-leveling sunken slabs of the pavement.
The Quality and efficiency of soil hardening and lifting of the subsided slabs up to 60 mm were checked by dynamic penetration test before and after injection of the mixture into the soil and on-line using laser monitoring system
Technological excessive subsidence of a building columns
Stopping subsidence and increasing the load-bearing capacity of the pile foundation
In a residential building, a floor slab sank after a pipe burst
Reinforcement of base soils and re-leveling of floor slab
Leakage of the retaining wall of the entrance to the underground garage
Compaction of soils and plugging of leaks in the retaining wall structure
Eroding the foundation of the supporting columns
Strengthening the foundation foundation without disrupting the entire project schedule
Reinforcement of foundation soils and stabilization of the foundation
Reinforcement of foundation soils and stabilization of the foundation
Strengthening the foundation soil and stabilizing the foundation
Strengthening the foundation soil and stabilizing the foundation
Subsidence of the slab and the appearance of a longitudinal crack
Compaction of the soil with filling the gap under the slab